No monthly payments. Pay once, get the music for life!

Music License for Offices

Elevate your office vibe legally with music! Our guide, "Music License for Offices," cuts straight to the chase on getting the right music licenses. Learn the why, the how, and the what of music licensing in a nutshell, ensuring your workplace tunes are not just uplifting but also law-abiding. Perfect for any business ready to harmonize productivity with legality. Dive in for a quick, essential read and make your office soundtrack a worry-free reality.

Blue Sky
Fresh Air
Good Business
Good Vibes
Just Do It
Inside Out
Wake Up

There's more music!

That's only the tip of the iceberg. We have many more songs, all available with our lifetime licenses:

Why you should purchase from us

Discover the simplest and most cost-effective way to secure a lifetime license – pay once and never worry about account creation or password hassles again! Our licenses are your ticket to the best music, valid for any project, forever.

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Music Plans

Pay once, use for a lifetime

You’ll never have to worry again about copyrights or claims.


Suited for personal projects and social media (Youtube not included)

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  • Personal projects
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  • Clients work
  • Online Advertising
  • TV, Cinema and Radio
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$199 / forever

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  • Any Possible Use Case
  • Clients work
  • Online Advertising
  • TV, Cinema and Radio
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👉No need to create an account

👉A lifetime license, forever

👉No more ‘clearing’ channels

We currently offer 241 songs from 30 different genres


Don't take our word for it

“I was skeptical at first but Legis Music has exceeded my expectations. Their music library is diverse and constantly updated, making it easy to find the perfect track for any project. Plus, the peace of mind that comes with that royalty-free license is priceless.”

Kate Alexander
Kate Alexander
Marketing Department

“@legismusic has made my life as a video editor so much easier. The lifetime license is a no-brainer and the fact that I don’t have to worry about clearing channels or getting copyright strikes is a huge weight off my shoulders. The affordable cost and extensive music library make it the go-to source for all my music needs.”

Anthony Davila
Anthony Davila
Content Creator

“As a podcast creator, finding the right music to complement my content can be a challenge, but Legis Music has made it so easy. Their lifetime licenses are affordable and the fact that I can use the music on Spotify and Apple Music is a huge relief. A no-brainer for any podcaster.”

Cheryl B.
Cheryl B.
Podcast Host

“I was blown away by the value offered by Legis Music's lifetime royalty-free licenses. The cost is incredibly affordable and having the peace of mind to use the music for my clients without worrying about copyright strikes is priceless. I highly recommend this to anyone in need of music for their projects.”

Claire Simpson
Claire Simpson

“It was important for me to find a cost-effective solution for my company’s music needs. Legis Music’s business plan was the perfect fit and the lifetime licenses have been a game-changer. We can now use the music for all of our projects without any worries about copyright strikes. Highly recommend to any business in need of music.”

Logan Hamilton
Logan Hamilton
Business Owner

“The quality of the music is top-notch, and the licensing terms are crystal clear, saving me from any copyright hassles.”

Mark Johnson
Mark Johnson
Audiobook creator

“Legis Music has improved the way I create content. The selection of royalty-free music is great and the quality is unbeatable. I can now add the perfect sound to my videos without any stress or added costs. Highly recommended!”

Patrick Oliver
Patrick Oliver

“I've been using Legis Music for my YouTube channel for the past few months, and I couldn't be happier with the service.”

Sarah Thompson
Sarah Thompson
Youtube Channel Manager

“As a video game creator, having access to high-quality music for my games is crucial. @legismusic lifetime licenses are a steal and the fact that I don’t have to worry about any type of copyrights in the future is a huge relief. The extensive library makes it easy to find the perfect tracks for my games.”

Dennis Garcia
Dennis Garcia
Game Developer

“The audio quality is excellent, and I've never experienced any copyright issues since using their music. The licensing terms are transparent, which is essential for content creators like myself.”

Emily Rodriguez
Emily Rodriguez
Content Creator

“As a freelance producer, I need to keep costs down and Legis Music has been a huge help for me. The user-friendly platform and affordable pricing make it easy for me to access top-notch music for my clients. Anyone in need of royalty-free music should give it a shot.”

Lauren K.
Lauren K.

Key Takeaways

  1. Music Enhances the Office Environment: Incorporating music into the workplace can boost productivity, reduce stress, and help define a company’s culture, making it a valuable asset for any office.
  2. Understanding Music Licensing is Essential: To legally play music in an office setting, businesses must understand what music licensing is and why it’s necessary. This includes recognizing the different types of music licenses such as performance, mechanical, and synchronization licenses.
  3. Legal Implications of Unlicensed Music: Playing music without the appropriate licenses can lead to significant legal and financial consequences for businesses, including fines and lawsuits. It also negatively impacts the company’s reputation.
  4. Obtaining a Music License: Acquiring a music license involves identifying the right type of license, contacting performance rights organizations (PROs) or using licensed music services designed for businesses, and considering the costs involved. This process ensures legal compliance and supports the creators of the music.
  5. The Role of Music Licensing Organizations: Organizations like ASCAP, BMI, SESAC, and Global Music Rights play a crucial role in managing music licenses and ensuring that artists, songwriters, and publishers are compensated for the use of their work.
  6. Management and Compliance: Once obtained, managing music licenses requires keeping track of renewal dates, understanding the scope of the licenses, and ensuring that all uses of music in the office are covered.
  7. Common Misconceptions and Challenges: Regardless of a business’s size or the nature of an event, music played in an office setting generally requires a license. This includes music played over the radio or through streaming services.
  8. Real-world Applications and Consequences: Case studies of businesses that have successfully integrated licensed music and those that have faced legal challenges underscore the importance of compliance. These examples provide valuable lessons in the benefits of licensed music and the potential risks of non-compliance.
  9. Ethical and Cultural Significance: Properly licensing music demonstrates respect for copyright laws and the artists’ creative rights, enhancing a company’s ethical stance and brand image.

In today’s fast-paced work environment, music has become an integral part of many office cultures.

It serves not just as a backdrop to the daily grind but as a tool to enhance productivity, boost morale, and create an ambiance that reflects the company’s identity.

However, as music streams through office speakers, it’s crucial for businesses to understand the importance of music licensing.

Importance of music in the office environment

Music in the office goes beyond mere entertainment; it has tangible benefits.

Studies have shown that the right kind of music can reduce stress, increase focus, and even foster creativity.

It can help to mask distracting noises, creating a more conducive work environment.

Furthermore, music can play a significant role in defining a company’s culture, helping to attract and retain talent who resonate with the vibe of the workplace.

Overview of music licensing

At the heart of using music legally in a business context is music licensing.

But what exactly is a music license ?

In simple terms, it’s a legal permission granted by the copyright holder of a song (usually a songwriter or music publisher) to use that song under specific conditions.

Without this permission, playing music in a commercial setting, such as an office, could be considered copyright infringement, potentially leading to legal issues and fines.

The basics of music licensing

Understanding the basics of music licensing is essential for any business that wishes to incorporate music into its office environment legally and ethically.

What is a music license?

A music license is an agreement that allows individuals or organizations to use copyrighted music in a way that would otherwise infringe on the copyright holder’s rights.

These licenses come in different forms, each tailored to specific uses of music, from playing it in a physical location to syncing it with video content.

Types of music licenses

  • Performance licenses: These are the most relevant type of license for offices. They grant permission to play music in a public setting, which includes anything from radio and television broadcasts to music played in a business premises. Performance rights organizations (PROs) like ASCAP, BMI, and SESAC in the United States collect royalties on behalf of songwriters and publishers for this type of use.
  • Mechanical licenses: This type of license is necessary when a company wants to reproduce and distribute a piece of music physically or digitally. For instance, if a business plans to create a compilation of songs for a promotional CD, it would require a mechanical license.
  • Synchronization licenses: Often referred to as “sync” licenses, these are required when music is used in conjunction with visual media, such as in advertisements, music videos, or background music for a company video. Sync licenses are negotiated directly with the copyright holder of the music.

Each type of license serves a specific purpose and has its own set of rules and fees.

Understanding these differences is crucial for any business looking to use music in a way that respects the rights of creators and avoids legal pitfalls.

Through these initial sections, businesses can begin to understand the significance of music in the office and the foundational knowledge of music licensing necessary to move forward responsibly.

Why offices need a music license

Incorporating music into an office environment can create a vibrant and more enjoyable workplace.

However, it’s essential for businesses to recognize the legal implications of playing music without proper licensing.

Playing music in a business setting without the appropriate license can be considered copyright infringement.

Copyright laws protect music creators’ rights by requiring those who wish to use their music in a public or commercial setting to obtain permission through licensing.

Failure to comply can result in significant legal consequences, including fines and lawsuits.

These penalties can be substantial, often far exceeding the cost of obtaining a proper license in the first place.

Moreover, playing unlicensed music not only risks legal repercussions but can also harm a company’s reputation.

It shows a lack of respect for copyright laws and the artists’ creative rights, potentially impacting the business’s image among customers and partners who value ethical practices.

Benefits of obtaining a music license for offices

Securing a music license for office use comes with several benefits, reinforcing its importance beyond mere legal compliance:

  • Legal protection: First and foremost, obtaining the correct licenses ensures that your business is compliant with copyright laws, protecting it from costly legal actions.
  • Access to a wide range of music: Licensed music services offer extensive libraries of songs, allowing businesses to choose music that best fits their brand and office atmosphere.
  • Supporting artists and creators: Licensing fees contribute to the compensation of songwriters, composers, and performers, supporting the music industry’s ecosystem.
  • Enhanced brand image: Demonstrating respect for copyright laws and artists’ rights can enhance a company’s reputation, reflecting its commitment to ethical business practices.

How to obtain a music license for your office

Understanding the need for a music license is one thing; knowing how to acquire it is another.

Identifying the right type of license for office needs

The first step in obtaining a music license is to determine the type of license your office requires.

For most office environments, a performance license from a PRO will suffice, as it covers the playing of music within the premises.

If your office plans to use music in other ways, such as in marketing videos, you may need additional licenses, such as synchronization licenses.

Steps to acquire a music license

  1. Contact performance rights organizations (PROs): In the United States, businesses can obtain performance licenses from PROs like ASCAP, BMI, SESAC, and Global Music Rights. These organizations represent different catalogs of music and offer blanket licenses covering a wide range of songs.
  2. Choose a licensed music service: For offices, subscribing to a licensed music service designed for business use can be a convenient way to access a vast music library legally. These services handle licensing requirements and ensure compliance.
  3. Direct licensing: In some cases, you may negotiate licenses directly with copyright holders, especially for specific songs not covered by PROs or for synchronization rights.

Cost considerations

The cost of a music license varies based on several factors, including the size of the office, the number of employees, and how the music is used.

Performance licenses from PROs typically involve an annual fee that grants access to their entire catalog.

Prices can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars annually, making it important for businesses to budget for music licensing as part of their operational costs.

By following these guidelines, businesses can navigate the process of obtaining a music license, ensuring they legally enjoy the benefits of music in the workplace while supporting the creators behind the music.

Music licensing bodies

Navigating the landscape of music licensing requires an understanding of the various organizations involved in this space.

These entities play a critical role in ensuring that composers, songwriters, and publishers are fairly compensated for the use of their music.

Overview of major music licensing organizations

Music licensing in the United States and many other countries is managed by *Performance Rights Organizations *( PROs ) and other entities responsible for collecting royalties on behalf of music creators.

Below is an overview of some of the primary organizations:

  • ASCAP (American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers): One of the oldest and largest PROs in the US, ASCAP represents hundreds of thousands of songwriters, composers, and music publishers. It licenses the public performances of its members’ music and distributes royalties to them.
  • BMI (Broadcast Music, Inc.): BMI is another major PRO that collects license fees on behalf of songwriters, composers, and music publishers and distributes them as royalties. It represents an extensive catalog of music from various genres.
  • SESAC (originally the Society of European Stage Authors and Composers): SESAC is smaller than ASCAP and BMI but operates similarly by licensing music and collecting royalties for public performances. It is unique in that it is a for-profit organization and membership is by invitation only.
  • Global Music Rights (GMR): A relatively new player in the field, GMR focuses on licensing music for a select group of songwriters and publishers, offering an alternative to the traditional PROs.

Each of these organizations manages a vast catalog of music, and businesses typically need to obtain licenses from one or more of these entities to legally play music in their offices.

How these organizations track and collect royalties

PROs use various methods to track music usage across different mediums, including radio, television, live performances, and businesses.

They then use this data to distribute royalties to copyright holders based on the frequency and context of the music’s use.

The methodologies for tracking and payment can vary, involving surveys, digital monitoring, and agreements with music users.

Managing your music license

Once a business has obtained the necessary music licenses, managing these licenses effectively is crucial to remain compliant and make the most of the music in the workplace.

This involves keeping track of license renewals, understanding the scope of each license, and adapting to any changes in music usage within the office.

Keeping track of music license requirements

Businesses should maintain clear records of all music licenses they hold, including the terms, covered rights, and renewal dates.

This practice helps ensure that the business remains compliant and avoids any lapses in licensing that could lead to legal issues or disruptions in music availability.

Renewing your music license

Music licenses are typically granted for a specific period, after which they must be renewed.

Businesses should be proactive in renewing their licenses to avoid unintentional copyright infringement.

Setting reminders for renewal deadlines and staying in touch with licensing organizations or music services can streamline this process.

Handling multiple licenses

In some cases, businesses may need to manage multiple licenses, especially if they use a wide variety of music or engage in activities (like events) requiring additional licensing.

It’s important to understand the scope of each license to ensure that all music usage is covered.

For complex situations, consulting with a copyright or entertainment lawyer can provide clarity and ensure that the business’s music practices are fully compliant.

Properly managing music licenses not only protects businesses legally but also supports the continued use of music as a valuable asset in creating a positive and productive office environment.

By adhering to the terms of these licenses and staying informed about copyright laws, businesses can enjoy the benefits of music while respecting the rights of creators.

Common questions about music licensing in offices

Music licensing for offices raises several common questions, as businesses seek to navigate the complexities of copyright laws and ensure compliance.

Understanding the answers to these questions can help demystify the process and encourage responsible use of music in the workplace.

Can playing the radio or streaming services require a license?

Yes, playing the radio or using consumer streaming services in an office or any commercial setting typically requires a license.

While individuals can listen to these services for personal use without needing a separate license, the same does not apply when music is played publicly in a business environment.

To legally use these services in an office, businesses often need to obtain a public performance license or use a commercial music streaming service designed specifically for business use, which includes licensing fees in its subscription.

What about small offices or startups?

The size of the office or the nature of the startup does not exempt a business from needing a music license.

All public performances of copyrighted music, regardless of the size of the audience or venue, generally require permission from copyright holders.

However, certain PROs and licensing bodies may have different rates or special licenses designed for smaller businesses, recognizing their unique needs and financial constraints.

Handling music at office events and parties

Music played during office events and parties also requires proper licensing.

Even if an event is private, if it’s hosted by a business and involves playing copyrighted music, it’s considered a public performance.

Businesses need to ensure that their existing music licenses cover such events or obtain specific licenses for the occasion.

This is particularly relevant for live performances, where additional permissions may be needed directly from the artists or their representatives.


The integration of music into the office environment, whether for daily ambiance or special events, offers numerous benefits, including enhanced productivity and a positive workplace culture.

However, it’s crucial for businesses to navigate the complexities of music licensing with diligence and respect for copyright laws.

By understanding and addressing common questions, managing music licenses effectively, and learning from both positive and negative case studies, businesses can enjoy the full advantages of music in the workplace while upholding legal and ethical standards.

This journey towards responsible music usage not only supports artists and the music industry but also reinforces a company’s commitment to compliance and ethical business practices.

Frequently asked questions